Phrase of the week: as flat as a pancake
Today is known as Ash Wednesday in England and the day before Ash Wednesday is known a Pancake Day/Pancake Tuesday because we have the tradition of eating pancakes on this day. Some towns & villages even have pancake races! Our phrase of the week has therefore been inspired by pancakes today.
Example: The north of Germany is as flat as a pancake.
Meaning: We use this expression to describe things/areas which are VERY flat. Notice the grammatical structure "as flat as" - you can use the same structure “as … as” to compare other things, for example: "as blind as a bat" or "as slow as a snail". The song "everything at once" by Lenka has a lot more examples "As sly as a fox, as strong as an ox..."

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Thias (Mittwoch, 13 Februar 2013 21:45)
like it. thumps up